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Connorco Counsel:
Tribunal Advocacy
Expertise is important

Tribunals make decisions in highly specialized areas with widely varying methods.

To be effective advocates must combine an in-depth understanding of the tribunal in question with an effective grasp off the complextities of administrative law.

Connorco Counsel brings you over ten years experience in tribunal advocacy in all its aspects, including first instance hearings, hearings de novo, appeals and judicial review, with an excellent record of success.

Experience with tribunals of all kinds:

Ontario Energy Board
Financial Services Commission of Ontario
Ontario Securities Commission
Workers Safety and Insurance Board and Tribunal
Ontario Municipal Board
Liquor Licensing Board of Ontario

Veterans Appeal Board
Office of the Superintendent of Financial Institutions
Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission
Canadian Transport Commission
Immigration Appeals Board
Employment Insurance Umpire
Canada Pension Board

Appeals and Judicial Review:
Federal and Ontario Courts.

To discuss how we can be of assistance to you, please send an email to

Governments create tribunals to make adjudications under specific legislation. For example, Workplace Safety and Insurance, or Radio and Telecommunications.

Tribunals hold powerful influence over questions of personal and economic well-being in our society, but differ substantially from courts in their outlook, procedures, and methods.