Contact form

This form is optional but might help meet your needs more efficiently:

First and Middle Names:

Last/Family Name:

Phone Number:

Email Address:

Mail or Street Address:

Is this a mobile call?

Type of service:

Method of payment:

Additional Information:
(Type/title of document
number of documents,
special needs, etc.)

After you submit your form, if you wish to send files from your device, click here.

Wychwood - Hillcrest  Neighbourhood
Mobile Service

Call or Text:



No charge for
travel within
service area

Urgent, direct-drive, or out-of-area calls add travel time @ $55/hr (minimum $25) plus mileage
@ $0.48/km.
Convenient - Reliable - Confidential

        Nils Richard Connor, MBA, JD
  Notary Public
                 18 years experience
Notary Services
Second and additional documents of the same kind for the same person on the same visit are half the listed price.

Notarization by Notary Public – $45 

Examples: insurance proof of loss, deeds, transcripts,
waivers, releases, mortage documents, applications,
birth/identity records, signatures, many others

Certifed copy of an original document – $40 

Examples: powers of attorney, IDs, transcripts,
diplomas, licenses, many others

Commission Oaths, Affidavit, or Statutory
  Declaration – $40 + $5 per attached exhibit

Examples: affidavit of service, affidavit of identity,
declaration of lost passport, many others

Children's travel documentation / Travel
  Consent Letter $60

Child-alone, child with one parent or alternate

E-Document Certification – $40 (first 20 pages)

Examples: website pages, twitter feeds, screen
impressions, text threads, blog and forum postings

•  Copies / Scans – $0.30 per exposure


Yes, I need the notary to come to meet me
No, I will come to meet the notary