Find the right path
Connorco Counsel:
Counsel to the Bar: Tribunal Advocacy, Judicial Review, Law & Economics
All law firms have things they do best.  And as professionals we want to do the best we can for our clients. A relationship is an asset built up over time and most clients and firms want to preserve it.

If your client's needs temporarily stretch outside you firm's normal practice, Connorco Counsel's high-level expertise is available to you and your clients through flexible and effective consulting and agency arrangements.

Special Counsel Services

Connorco acts as counsel to the bar, providing unique tribunal advocacy and appeal assistance exclusively to lawyers and law firms for their clients. 

This highly advanced approach to advocacy includes:

-Submissions engineering,
-Semantic logic and continuity vetting,
-Law & Economics analysis and case development
-Persuasion tactics, and
-Adjudicator-centered critical deconstruction.

Whether carrying a brief as your agent, or acting as counsel with you on a matter, we guarantee* your satisfaction with our assistance.

To find out more about how Connorco Counsel can help you serve your client's temporary advocacy needs, please send an email to Nils Connor at .

Keep your clients

Connorco Counsel respects the relationship you have with your clients, and we pledge to always try to help you strengthen it.